Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Kenzie loves this phone. She lost it a week later and we haven't seen it since (this isn't a bad thing because it's loud and really obnoxious. I had nothing to do with its disappearance. Really). Posted by Hello

I don't know if you can make it out, but Kenzie is holding a toy cell phone. Good God, it's begun. Heaven help us. Posted by Hello

Kenzie looks genuinely excited about this present. So does Joey. Posted by Hello

Joey helping Kenzie with another present. Posted by Hello

Kenzie's Uncle Joey showing off his pretty new Princess sweater. Posted by Hello

A Pla-Doh table. Just what the Doctor ordered. Of course, he couldn't have known that she wouldn't touch the thing after the first couple times she played with it. Look at her expression: Pure joy. Posted by Hello

Finally, her Uncle Joey stepped in and intervened. He got Kenzie to admit that she had a problem and that she needed help. This is the result: a perfectly opened present. Posted by Hello

We tried to persuade her to open the darn thing, but she insisted on just lying there. I ended up knocking her off with a broom and tearing the present open myself, which I then put in the trash because it wasn't what I asked for. Just kidding. Posted by Hello

I'm not sure why she feels she needed to lay down on this present with Elmo. Maybe she was trying to protect her territory from other 22 month-old children with stuffed Elmos? Your guess is as good as mine. Posted by Hello

Kenzie on the hunt for her next present. Posted by Hello

A nice dress. I should have cropped more of my sister out of the picture, though. Posted by Hello

I like this sweater. Posted by Hello

Kenzie trying to open another present. See? Do you see what I mean about her being a camera-hog? Posted by Hello

Not a good picture; bad timing on my part, really. Posted by Hello

Kenzie opening a present. Of course, my sister is present...no big surprise there. Posted by Hello

I tried to cut out my sister as much as possible while preserving as much of my daughter as I could. I could have tried harder. Posted by Hello

Christmas '04. My sister and my daughter. My sister is a camera hog. This statement will be supported with subsequent pictures... Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Favorite Pixar Movie Posted by Hello

Mommy and Daddy's Little Angel Posted by Hello

Kenzie and the Big Guy at Commerce Posted by Hello

Kenzie and the Big Guy in the Shade Posted by Hello

Kenzie and the Big Guy at the Mall Posted by Hello

my favorite tv family Posted by Hello

one of my favorite movies of 2004 Posted by Hello

here are some of my favorite pictures. Posted by Hello