Here are some shots of me lost, deep in thought, planning my attack. The kid I'm playing against is Andrew, my nephew-in -law (is that right?) from Maine. I kicked his butt that weekend. Then again, I was also about 4 times his age...
There was a time when I was really good at chess. I once played against one of my fraternity brothers and my situation looked pretty dire: I had lost my queen, both bishops, a knight and a rook very early in the game. Meanwhile, I had only taken a rook and a couple pawns from him. After that he fell apart and I ended up winning that game.
It's been years since I've played chess; what you see here is the first time I'd played in about 4 years and I have not played since; my skills have most certainly degraded quite a bit. But Andrew here is a good player, especially considering his age. Still, I had to show him who was boss. No mercy!!!
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